Tanya’s experience and enduring commitment to helping people have led her to develop a scientific foundation with a holistic and formatively intuitive practice. She has a natural ability and ease about her that allows clients to open up so that consistently powerful healing results can occur.
After completing her RMT training in 2006, Tanya went on to study extensively with Armand Ayaltin, DNM, RHP, RMT, to perfect his Systemic Deep Tissue Therapy®. This highly effective system of manual therapy is an essential treatment for all musculoskeletal dysfunctions at any stage and helps restore the muscle tissue to an optimal level of health and functioning within the body. During her studies and within her practice, Tanya discovered that this unique therapy flawlessly focuses on the physical aspect of the body – which is why in all her treatments, she uses primarily this technique.
Ayaka started her career as a non-registered massage therapist in Australia. After she moved to Canada, she expanded my knowledge to stretching, thai massage and shiatsu massage.
Currently, Ayaka is an RMT student and learning new techniques everyday. As a former ballet dancer and gymnast, Ayaka has always enjoying going beyond the body limitation. The human body is mysterious and interesting so she always enjoys thinking about how she can solve her current problem and prevent future problems.
Montana earned her diploma in massage therapy from the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy.
With a background in anthropology, Montana has a keen curiosity on how our different lifeways shape ourselves, as well as our bodies.
After finding success with massage therapy after an injury of her own, Montana truly believes in the power of massage. She is passionate about crafting a treatment plan unique to the needs of her clients.
Montana has a wide array of experience in Swedish massage, deep tissue work, myofascial release, neuromuscular techniques, trigger point release therapy, and joint mobilizations.
Meet Javier, a distinguished massage therapist who graduated at the top of his class with honors and distinction. Javier has mastered the art of relaxation and Swedish techniques, excelling in the treatment and recovery of various conditions such as stress, anxiety, trigger points, restricted range of motion, sprains, muscle tearing, tendinitis, frozen shoulder, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, IT band friction syndrome, sciatic pain, and Plantar Fasciitis, among others.
His preferred techniques include myofascial release, deep tissue and sports massage, active and passive engagement, and joint play. Outside of his practice, Javier leads an active lifestyle, indulging in hobbies like skiing, mountain biking, paddle boarding, yoga, and fitness.
Javier’s journey into the massage therapy industry stems from his passion for helping people and maintaining an active lifestyle. Join him on his mission to make a difference, one massage at a time.
As a Registered Massage Therapist, my mission is to help you overcome these hurdles and get back to doing what you love. Whether it’s running, lifting weights, or simply moving without discomfort, I’ve got your back.
I also hold a Level 1 Fascia Stretch Therapy certification, which means I use a blend of active stretching and traction to ease tight muscles and joints. Think of it as giving your body a little extra wiggle room!
Meet Our Team
- Registered Massage Therapists
- Non-Registered Massage Therapists