Visceral Manipulation – Downtown Vancouver

Therapist performing visceral manipulation on a patient

Visceral manipulation involves the release of tension in the ligaments of the organs in the body. This treatment is a gentle, but relatively deep tissue therapy with the entire emphasis on making sure that the organs move and glide freely.

Quite often, the cause of the lack of motion in the organs is due to severe trauma to the body (i.e. car accidents, falls, etc).

For Deep Tissue Massage, We Recommend:

What should you expect during a visceral manipulation therapy?

During a visceral manipulation session, the therapist will use their hands to locate the ligaments of an organ that is literally restricted in motion. At this point, they will then gently encourage those ligaments to release their tension and return the organ to a more balanced position.

Visceral manipulation is also very relaxing. This is because a fair amount of serotonin is released when organsworking with the organs.


Visceral manipulation can help with many problems or disorders, such as chronic back and joint pain to indigestion, infection, incontinence, migraines and even impotence and sterility.

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